A deep dive into the Docker Socket and using Docker from within containers

Michael Zeevi

Intro and use case

Sometimes one may want to be able to use Docker from within another Docker container. This could be useful in various cases such as:

By the end of this article we’ll understand how this can be achieved through an example setup that deploys Jenkins in a container and grants it the appropriate permissions to properly run Docker commands from inside!

Note: This could be considered a slightly advanced topic, so I assume basic familiarity with Linux permissions, Docker and Docker-compose.

Docker architecture review

Before getting started, let’s refresh ourselves on some of Docker’s architecture (you can find a nice diagram in the official documentation) and some terminology...

The Docker socket

A Socket, on a Unix system, acts as an endpoint allowing communication between two processes on a host.

The Docker socket is located in /var/run/docker.sock. It enables a Docker client to communicate with the Docker daemon on the Docker host via its API.

Communicating with the socket

Let’s briefly dive one layer deeper and try reach the API server directly. Instead of using the standard CLI and running docker container ls, let’s use curl:

curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://api/containers/json | jq

Note: I piped curl’s output into jq to prettify the output. You can get jq here.

The Docker daemon should return some JSON similar to this (output truncated):

    "Id": "3c70064d5b8b85688fef7b0eb4d8573967faa5a349b8c9e94d9a175aaf85a59f",
    "Names": [
    "Image": "nginx:alpine",
    "ImageID": "sha256:51696c87e77e4ff7a53af9be837f35d4eacdb47b4ca83ba5fd5e4b5101d98502",
    "Command": "/ nginx -g 'daemon off;'",
    "Created": 1650493607,
    "Ports": [
        "PrivatePort": 80,
        "Type": "tcp"
    "Labels": {

Here we can see I have an Nginx Alpine container (named pensive_lewin) running. Cool!

The socket’s permissions

Running ls -l /var/run/docker.sock will allow us to see its permissions, owner and group:

srw-rw---- 1 root docker 0 Apr 18 17:17 /var/run/docker.sock

We can see that:

A common practice when setting up Docker is to grant our local user permissions to run docker without sudo, this is achieved by adding our local user to the group docker (sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER)... Now that we’re familiar with the Docker socket and the group it belongs to, the usermod command above should make more sense to you. ;)

We’ll revisit these permissions when we discuss hardening of the Docker image we’ll create.

Using Docker from within a container

To use Docker from within a container we need two things:

Proof of concept

Let’s put this all together and give it a quick test:

  1. Run a container locally, mounted with the Docker socket:

    docker run --rm -itv /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name docker-sock-test debian
  2. Install the Docker client (inside the container):

    apt update && apt install -y curl
    curl -fsSL | sh
  3. Try listing containers using the Docker client (from inside the container):

    docker ps

    In the output, our container (named docker-sock-test) should be able to see itself:

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE    COMMAND   CREATED              STATUS              PORTS   NAMES
    09094c778449   debian   "bash"    About a minute ago   Up About a minute           docker-sock-test

Visual explanation

This configuration and example described above can be visualized with the following diagram:


Building the Docker image

A classic example (from the DevOps field) would be to deploy a Jenkins container which has Docker capabilities. Let’s start by creating its Dockerfile...

  1. We’ll base our image on the official Jenkins Docker image.

  2. This image runs by default with user jenkins - a non-root user (and not in the sudo group), so in order to install the Docker client we’ll escalate to user root.

  3. We append the user jenkins to the group docker, in order for them to have permissions to access the Docker socket (as discussed earlier).

  4. This step has a subtle concept to do with Linux permissions, which is worth emphasizing...

    The Docker socket on/from our host is associated with the docker group, however there is no guarantee that this is the same docker group in the image (the group that gets created by step 2’s script, and used in step 3, above). Linux groups are defined by IDs - so in order to align the group we set in the image with the group that exist on the host, they must both have the same group ID!

    The group ID on the host can be looked up with the command getent group docker (mine was 998, yours could differ). We’ll pass it to the Docker build via an argument and then use that to modify the docker group ID in the image.

  5. Finally, to re-harden the image, we’ll switch back to the user jenkins.

Here is the actual Dockerfile (with each of the above steps indicated by a comment):

# step 1:
FROM jenkins/jenkins:lts
# step 2:
USER root
RUN  curl -fsSL | sh
# step 3:
RUN  usermod -aG docker jenkins
# step 4:
RUN  groupmod -g $HOST_DOCKER_GID docker
# step 5:
USER jenkins

Running the container

Due to the nature of the configuration and the dynamic nature of group IDs (differing per each device) I find it simplest to deploy (and build) using Docker-compose.

Here is the docker-compose.yaml file:

version: "3.6"

    hostname: jenkins
      context: .
        HOST_DOCKER_GID: 998  # check *your* docker group id with: `getent group docker`
    - 8080:8080
    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    - jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home




In order to test the setup, one can:

  1. Spin up the Jenkins service with:

    docker-compose up -d --build
  2. Login to a shell in the Jenkins container:

    docker-compose exec jenkins bash
  3. In the container, let’s make sure we:

    • Are not running as root - by looking at the CLI prompt, or by running whoami.
    • Have access to the Docker socket - by running any Docker command (such as docker container ls) with the Docker client.

Note: In case of any permission issues, troubleshoot with the getent group docker command on both the host and in the container...


Hopefully this article managed to clarify a thing or two about the Docker socket and how it fits into Docker’s architecture, how its permissions are setup and how it is utilized by a Docker client.

Equipped with said knowledge, we created a Dockerfile for a Jenkins-with-Docker image and saw how to deploy it with the appropriate permissions configuration for our host.